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THND AI is your AI-powered co-pilot for the exciting, yet sometimes overwhelming, world of crypto trading. Pioneered by a seasoned founder with three decades of AI experience, including leading a quant-driven AI fund, THND AI brings expertise, transparency, and community to the forefront of your crypto journey.

Imagine this:

  • Automated Profits: Our eagerly anticipated Autotrade feature takes the reins, making intelligent trading decisions based on real-time market data. Sit back and watch your portfolio grow with positive average user gains since launch.

  • Smarter Fees: Forget sky-high transaction costs! THND AI's sophisticated gas optimization and routing techniques save you up to 40% compared to leading competitors. More gains, less fees - that's the THND way.

  • Community Focus: We believe in open communication and collaboration. Join our vibrant Telegram community, engage with the team, share your thoughts, and learn from other traders. Your voice matters at THND.

  • Shared Success: Skin in the game? All Net revenue goes directly back to our users, proportional to your holdings. The more you hold, the more you earn. It's a win-win for everyone.

THND AI is more than just a platform, it's a philosophy:

  • Expertise: Decades of experience in AI and trading fuel our cutting-edge technology.

  • Transparency: We keep our doors open and our communication clear. Ask us anything!

  • Community: Your success is our success. We thrive on collaboration and shared knowledge.

  • Profit: We believe everyone deserves a piece of the pie. Our revenue-sharing model empowers you.

Ready to take your crypto trading to the next level? Join THND today and experience the future of automated, profitable, and community-driven trading.



The Full FAQ can be found here.

Q: What makes the THND AI trading platform different from other AI-powered platforms?

A: The lead developer has an extensive understanding of automated crypto trading software, with years of automated and profitable trading history using millions of dollars of crypto. With over three decades of experience in artificial intelligence, network security, and software programming, he is more than qualified to develop this AI trading platform.

Q: How much does the AI Trader cost?

A: The AI Trader doesn't "cost" anything. In order to use the fully featured telegram "bot", 0.97 $THND token is required for access. When a single token is sent to the custodial wallet generated by the AI Trader, a 3% true burn is applied (as with all transfers). That is all you need to access every feature and exclusive benefit we offer. If you decide you don't want to use the system anymore, you can sell your token and lose access. There are no recurring fees or subscription costs, simply owning a single token is the only requirement.

Q: What are the current features the AI Trader offers?

A: Autotrade, an eagerly anticipated feature, has been released ahead of schedule and has maintained positive average user gains since the launch. Sophisticated gas optimization and routing techniques can save you up to 40% more in network fees than leading competitors. 50% of all revenue generated is shared directly with all users, proportional to their holdings.


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